The victory was an adventure for the young CEO, and his Herculean mug of coffee had everyone buzzing at Blog World, the world's largest social media conference. In case you're getting a caffeine buzz just thinking about it, the 2,010 gallon mug held the equivalent of 32,160 cups of coffee - enough to power every office in town for a year. And it was no small accomplishment.
Abood and his team from set to work in the wee hours of the morning to begin brewing. Eight hours later, they poured the final cup into the massive mug and a Guinness World Record Official measured it, took the temperature, and it made history.
The following day, fueled by lots of coffee naturally, the team of 15 employees toiled again to brew the world's biggest cup of iced coffee, complete with a staggering 3,500 pounds of enormous ice cubes. It looked so refreshing that a few members of the team took a celebratory plunge into the dark sea of coffee after Guinness declared the second victory for
"It was a wild experience. Hopping into a frigid cup of iced coffee was one of the most exhilarating experiences, and a once in a lifetime opportunity," said teammate Madeleine McGregor.
But it wasn't all for fun. Abood and his team dovetailed the fanfare with an opportunity to collect donations for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization, which provides the world's largest source of nonprofit funds dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, with more than $1.3 billion invested to date. It's a charity that has enjoyed ongoing support from
"We are a family business and we even view our employees as extensions of our family. When you have a family this large you can't avoid confronting a struggle with cancer and anything we can do to support a cancer fighting cause, such as Susan G. Komen, is very near and dear to our hearts," says Abood.
**Photo Credit PR: GOURMETGIFTBASKETS.COM COFFEE DIVE Diving into 32,160 cups of coffee. Crew breaks 2 Guinness World Records and takes a celebratory swim. 8-foot coffee mug and brewing 2,010 gallons of fresh coffee, shattering the Guinness World Record for largest cup of coffee. ( LAS VEGAS, NV UNITED STATES