Business Articles for Sales
How to Develop Sales Approach For Small to Medium Business
Tired of lack of focus in your sales? Draw a Flow chart of these steps and keep it above your monitor.
In tough economic times a business must hunker down and define successful strategies. Balancing new and old customers - closing that back door.
Follow these steps to start your more effective sales journey. >>> Keep Reading for Steps
Marketing Strategies- Turtle Shell Marketing or Hit the Road Jack
Hit the road jack. Today's tough times call for better marketing and advertising while budgets are cut. This is the modern day version of using your vehicle and your equipment; much like an old fashioned peddler, and taking your product to where the customers are.
You have heard of gorilla marketing? Well it is time to restratigise and hit the road. Personal face to face marketing by putting your best foot forward and hitting the road using all your available tools and resources to market with a tight budget.
How to Increase Revenue Solving Customer Complaints
Losing revenue? Losing Customers? Follow these tips to increase your revenue and close the back door on customer exits.
You have a wide open back door. You are losing customers, some that never contact you and other that leave slamming the door with resounding thud. Buying a Special software might help but following these steps will also increase your revenue. >>>> Keep Reading for steps
How to Build Rapport Instantly
How to Make Good Impression in 10 Seconds
You are at social event... you have up to 10 seconds to make an impression. ON a job interview about 7 seconds to make that impression. In other situations you may have up to 30 seconds.
You are at social event... you have up to 10 seconds to make an impression. ON a job interview about 7 seconds to make that impression. In other situations you may have up to 30 seconds.
Here we will cover that first few seconds and more.... Life comes at you fast - are you ready>>>keep reading
Newer Articles
How to Lower Taxes
Taxes can be reduced legally. Programs that reduce your tax burden are known as tax shelters.
Tax shelters are not just for the rich. the government has started many tax shelters that help everyone. Retirement contributions are an example of an government instituted tax shelter.
Starting a small business is a wonderful tax shelter started by individuals or families.
Follow these steps to take advantage of tools to lower your taxes. AS always recommended, consult with your tax professional for advice.
How to Increase Blog Adwords Revenue with Google Sniper Tool
The world of SEO and Google, Clickbank, ADsense, Amazon Affliates can be very confusing.
IN writing for websites that share revenue it is important to have good SEO and draw good ads, so that you can be paid by adsense. Ad revenue is why many people build websites to begin with.
How to Earn Cash Using Credit
Earn cash and make money using your credit cards. Ebay and Craigslist as well as othe sites, could be your new best friends.
It can be tricky to earn off your credit card and there are articles that show you how to use balance transfers to lower interest and make money. Others tell you to use rewards cards and get cash back by paying for everything with a credit card.
This article will show you a couple of other ways to make money on your credit cardusing sites like Ebay, Kijiji and Craigslist. These steps are not necessarily without risk and depend upon your being diligent in paying your bills. But if you would like to explore alternative financing then give it a whirl
How to Clean a Bathroom in 15 minutes or less
Professionally cleaning a bathroom and getting sparkling results does not take forever.Avoid paying a commercial cleaning service by following these steps.
Using the right cleaning supplies you can clean a bathroom in 5 minutes. In 15 minutes you can make it sparkle.
Do you dread bathroom cleaning? Here are steps to
How to Make Living Room Company Ready in 10 minutes
The Living
AS a stay at home mom, or a housewife, you can get blind to what is around you. Look around right now, and what do you see? Kids
How to Get Sex Addiction Treatment at Drug Alcohol Rehab Center like Tiger Woods
New reporting mentions that Tiger Woods is seeking sexual addiction treatment in a Phoenix in-patient rehab center for sexual addiction and drug addiction. This is very believable given the weeks of listening to mistress after mistress claim him as lover.