
Examiner Articles

My original blogpost helped me APPLY to Examiner. It worked, they hired me fast! Thank goodness - as I am not a patient person! I am so grateful to Jerrie Dean and JodiJill who helped me through the process. Both spent at least 15 hours on the phone with me (I do exaggerate).

Now that I have been an Examiner for 1 week, I have several articles under my belt. Here are a few excerpts AND the one listed last is the article I submitted in application for this GIG! The Patrick Swayze Tribute is the most popular one of them all!

Friday, September 18th, 2009 · 1 comment
It seems AUBREY O'DAY has had to defend herself for doing what many people all over the country have done. DYE their dogs. To be sure it is...
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Friday, September 18th, 2009 · 2 comments
Opening Today September 18, 2009 - is the movie "Love Happens" starring Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart. Jennifer Aniston has just...
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Thursday, September 17th, 2009
Check the Twitter search and you will see that anything to do with Twilight is HOT, HOT, HOT! When a search term is hot on Twitter for over 1-2 days...
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RIP Mary Travers - you have left your mark on generations. As you watch these videos remember Television did not...
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Mary Travers of Peter, Paul and Mary - Died today
Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
Mary Travers, age 72, died today of Leukemia. "The band's publicist, Heather Lylis, says Travers died at...
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Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
The Best and Worst Dress List from People Magazine is out and it is nice to see that the "experts" agree with all the people talking around...
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Wednesday, September 16th, 2009
"VH1Divas" Is returning to the air! The much anitcipated opening will feature many of the younger female vocalist crowd: Jennifer Hudson,...
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Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 · 2 comments
Flowers decorate Patrick Swayze's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, Monday, Sept. 14, 2009. Swayze, the hunky actor who danced his...
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Monday, September 14th, 2009 · 3 comments
According to his Publicist and as just heard on Fox news, Patrick Swayze has died from the cancer he has battled the last couple of years. When first...
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LOOK out late night TV - Jay Leno is doing what many people have wanted for a long time. Moving a great format show to a timeslot that many people...
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Sunday, September 13th, 2009 · 2 comments
If you haven't heard by now, things are not all sunshine in the Megan Fox - Tranformers world. Evidently the Diva has taken to trashing her Director...
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Sunday, September 13th, 2009
In watching all the preparation and reading the reports it became obvious that while its a dirty job, someone had to report about the hunks of...
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Sunday, September 13th, 2009 · 1 comment
x MTV Shows Have you ALWAYS wondered how they set up the AWARDS shows? MTV is held in NEW YORK at Radio City...
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Saturday, September 12th, 2009 · 1 comment
Lord Freddie Windsor has married peep show actress, Sophie Winkleman. The Lord Windsor is in line to inherit the throne - after 30 others...
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Friday, September 11th, 2009
Hollywood, can you tell me in 140 Characters what my favorite fan is doing? A few months ago, the great race betweenKutcher and Oprah to reach 1...
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How to Look Like Celeb in Boyfriend Jeans

How to Look Like Celeb in Boyfriend Jeans

alrady Member
By Alrady
eHow Community Member
(11 Ratings)
Boyfriend Jeans
Boyfriend Jeans

Boyfriend Jeans or Pants rolled or cuffed started in 2008. Now in 2009, it seems to be the HOTTEST TREND rising. Katie Holmes seems to have started it and its been seen on Gossip Girl as well as on stars like Lindsey Lohen and Jennifer Aniston.

Accidentally discovering the BOYFRIEND trend when the washer broke down, I threw on a pair of hubby's jeans and rolled up the extra length. The kids and friends said, "HEY cool, you have boyfriend jeans." I was then apprised about the value of Boyfriend Jeans, Boyfriend Shirts, and Boyfriend Watches.

Here is your shortcut to wearing the Boyfriend fashions with flair, and how to look GREAT while wearing this comfy style.

Things You'll Need:

  • Jean Brands
  • Blue London, American Eagle, Lucky, Rock and Republic, William Rast, Seven, and AG
  • Fossil Boyfriend Watch
  1. Step 1
    Jennifer Aniston
    Jennifer Aniston

    With the Boyfriend Jeans look you will want to make sure to have ultra feminine hair, a sexy layer cut or super shiny straight or curled to the max.

    Use Ultra "go with" accessories: a great manicure, sexy hair cut, CHUNKY bracelets and necklace, skip the earrings. Go for big sunglasses and large shoulder bags.

    For Shoes there are lots of CUTE tennis shoes. Although they do not seem to go as well with the Boyfriend Jean as do STRAPPY SANDALS or CHUNKY HEELS.

  2. Step 2
    Boyfriend jeans
    Boyfriend jeans

    Boyfriend Jeans: Look for ones the fit your waist. You can get fitted by waist and length. Some hot brands to check out are listed up above. If you happen to fit your boyfriend's jeans then congratulations! The hottest look right now is to roll them up. Cuff them. Isn't it great to know that you are right in style? Farm girls have been doing this for years. Check out some of the various brands of boyfriend jeans made for women.

  3. Step 3

    Boyfriend Shirts: Now these have been in style off and on for years. Remember the White Biz Shirt coupled with jeans? Well grab a pair of tight fitting jeans and your favorite man shirt! Comfortable. Go for the softest shirt he owns. Or buy one for just you.

    If you want to pair the boyfriend shirt with jeans, try for close not tight fitting tailored shirt.

  4. Step 4
    Use icons at top of page to bookmark!
    Use icons at top of page to bookmark!

    Boyfriend Watch: Right now the girls are drooling over Fossil $200.00 Boyfriend watches. Fossil is a great brand, but if you shop around you can find the look for a lot less. Big and clunky, Boy watches.

How to Talk with MC HAMMER - Online

How to Talk with MC HAMMER - Online

alrady Member
By Alrady
eHow Community Member
(34 Ratings)
MC Hammer
MC Hammer

MC HAMMER has comeback in the web world with his project Dance Jam. MC Hammer is quite net savvy and has a webpage and twitter account with close to 11,000 followers. That number has risen to 18,000 followers since this article was originally published.

If you too would like to talk with MC, just follow these steps.

  1. Step 1
    Rolling Stone  - MC  Hammer Pants
    Rolling Stone - MC Hammer Pants

    MC Hammer is having an online dance contest. Follow these steps and the clickable link in resources to follow along with this contest. Hammer Pants are coming back into fashion. Take a look around the fashion world.

  2. Step 2
    MC Hammer -  Hammer Pants
    MC Hammer - Hammer Pants

    In your url box type: and set up your account. It is very easy. My husband did it in 3 minutes or so. It takes a few minutes to figure out how to use it. Once set up follow step two as shortcut. It will take you longer to find original Hammer Pants!

  3. Step 3

    In the url box cut and paste this web address .......................

  4. Step 4
    Rolling Stone and  MC Hammer Pants
    Rolling Stone and MC Hammer Pants

    Now see that little follow button under his picture? Click on it, and you will be able to send replies to MC Hammer messages. To do this scroll down until you see a message you want to respond to. Then to the right in that message box is a gray circular arrow icon. Click on that and then type out a message. Hit reply and that will go to MC Hammer. He does respond to some of those messages, so make sure to check your @ replies box. MC HAMMER does some interesting conversational questions. You can use the same method to talk to any of his followers.

  5. Step 5
    MC Hammer at TechCrunch
    MC Hammer at TechCrunch

    Alternatively, use your twitter home page, and type: @MCHammer in the message box. Click on update. Message will be sent and it will appear on your twitter home page.

  6. Step 6

    You can follow MC Hammer comments by clicking on his name/picture or going to his twitter page

  7. Step 7

    MC Hammer was kind enough to reply to several of my questions. Thank you MC. Find replies easily in the @ replies box. It is on the right side of your twitter page. In reading MC Hammer's page, I found his project link to DANCEJAM, an online site he started. If you explore more you will also find his webpage with Hammertime radio. A whole new world opens up when you TWITTER. Don't forget to buy and wear your MC Hammer pants!

How to Avoid Bursting into Flames - SHC

How to Avoid Bursting into Flames - SHC

alrady Member
By Alrady
eHow Community Member
(61 Ratings)

Spontaneous Human Combustion or SHC is a freaky occurrence that is controversial. It is when the body ignites on fire from "within". This is a "wick" fire.
There are skeptics, despite documented cases with witnesses. Interviews have been conducted with "almost victims" who have survived. What can you do to avoid Bursting into Flames?

Things You'll Need:

  • Fire foam spray retardant
  • or FLAME retardant spray
  • natural colon cleanser
  • oxygen
  • CPR certification
  1. Step 1
    Fire Foam Retardant, Flame Retardent spray
    Fire Foam Retardant, Flame Retardent spray

    There are may theories as to what would cause spontaneous human combustion, aka, SHC. Some victims do have a few things in common. The first is being overweight. Many feel that being overweight increases the risk factor. This is unlikely, since many victims are skinny. This theory coincides with the theory that methane gas develops in the intestine. This has not been proven either, so it remains a theory.

    CONCLUSION: It doesn't hurt to keep weight in normal ranges but that alone will not protect you. Keeping enough natural fiber in your body to have "good bowel" habits might be a wise idea.

  2. Step 2
    Fiber, Colon Clense, Social Activity
    Fiber, Colon Clense, Social Activity

    Being Alone - While not a theory, a common theme has been observed with victims. The victims often spend excessive amounts of time alone. This coincides with the fact that the incidences are almost always occurring indoors.

    CONCLUSION: Keep company around and stay outside as much as possible. It may help. Friends literally can save a friend's life.

  3. Step 3
    Flame etardant sprays, hydrate, fire   retardant clothing
    Flame etardant sprays, hydrate, fire retardant clothing

    The static electricity theory. Well this is pretty good theory but still unproven. The thought is that static electricity builds up in our body, and that some external force ignites it. There were two potential victims that did talk about their static laden lives. While unproven, there is one case of potential SHC treated due to static buildup. Meanwhile, it is highly unlikely that a static charge could build to a level high enough to cause someone to burst into flames.

    CONCLUSION: Stay away from combustibles. Perhaps hydrating more would take care of the static. Drink more water. Humidify rooms. Keep fire extinguishers handy. Keep clothing away from candles.

How to Tell for Sure Dog is in Labor

How to Tell for Sure Dog is in Labor

alrady Member
By Alrady
eHow Community Member
(17 Ratings)
Dog Nursing 10 puppies
Dog Nursing 10 puppies

One of the most asked questions that I have answered is how to tell if a dog is in labor. This is usually asked by people that are first time female dog owners and they thought their dog had been kept away from others just enough to not get pregnant.

Things You'll Need:

  • Observation skills
  • A book listed in Resource Section for preparation
  1. Step 1

    Observe your dog and write down all the things you think might be indicative of being in labor. From swollen belly, voracious appetite, restlessness, nesting instinct, extreme affection, seeking out dark places to lay down, excessive panting, mucous discharge, to nipple discharge. All are signs of labor and soon to give birth, or WHELP.

  2. Step 2
    Temperature indicates possible Labor
    Temperature indicates possible Labor

    Take temperature rectally with digital thermometer. If the temperature is below 99 or below that is indicative of labor starting within 48 hours. Also, if it has been 61 days from tie day you are probably close to labor.

  3. Step 3
    Veternarian Whelping C-sectoin
    Veternarian Whelping C-sectoin

    Call your vet and let them know what is happening and ask if you need to take to animal hospital, if there is any problem during whelping. Depending on the dog she mated with, there are safety issues to consider. Especially if you own a small or a large head breed of dog. Many dogs require c-section or veterinarian assisted whelpings.

  4. Step 4
    BOOKs on Breeding Read up
    BOOKs on Breeding Read up

    If you are asking this question you MUST read up and have material on hand, if your dog is soon to whelp. If you are in time sensitive situation check your library or local bookstore!This book will be useful even after whelping. Check the resource box and look at barnes and noble for book.

  5. Step 5

    Get ready, because normally if you have to ask this question, the dog IS in labor. After all you already determined she is pregnant. I do have an article on false pregnancy that you can read. There are exceptions, but it is best to be prepared for whelping today!

INQ Phone Review

INQ Phone Review


First phone built for Facebook - designed specifically for social media
Easy to use for social media people
Handles Email, Facebook, Twitter, Windows Messenger Live, and Skype


Not available in the USA - used in UK, Hong Kong, Italy and now Australia! !

Full Review

This may seem odd: reviewing a phone that is not available to the USA, - yet. However; in this day and age with media, Twitter and all the global social sites, you can learn a lot and put together a pretty good picture. Usually I am slow to change and receive the hand me downs of cell phones, as the family members upgrade. After learning about this phone, I will leading the pack to buy it.

In the social media world with marketing and the need for speed and reliability a phone that delivers what it promises is important. On one airline trip I saw that 17 out of the 35 -40 passengers in the area, were talking or texting on their cell phone. Email and Facebook are important tools for business people and having a social phone is a great tool!

The popularity of Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and other social media intensifies the need for applications to share photos as well as text.

This Social Mobile Phone has won the Meffy Awards for it's ease of use for social media. It has won several other awards as well. When I read about the INQ I was impressed because I am daily hearing complaints about IPHONE. The INQ is going to give the IPHONE and other smartphones a run for its money when it arrives in the USA.

What is different is that this phone was designed to use for social media. It is a tool. Right now it is only available in Britain and Hong Kong. The British users seem to like it and have increased use of email and windows live messenger as well as increased use for Facebook. It is even being used for SKYPE.

If you are looking at new phones, my recommendation is call your cell phone carrier and ask them when this phone will be coming. Limp along a little longer and be ready when this INQ Social Phone comes to the USA.

If you are fortunate and live in Hong Kong, Italy or the UK, and have the need for a social media phone, buy it now! My final recommendation is that as soon as this phone becomes available in the USA - RUN, don't walk to nearest vendor and buy it!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Feeding a Newborn Puppy can be Scary

Tube Feeding a Newborn Puppy
If you have no vet or mentor to instruct you should really consider using a glove's finger or a small puppy bottle for bottle feeding. Check the resource box below for video link.

Things You’ll Need:
• Tubes (ask vet for correct sizing)
• Food - milk replacer.
• patience
• instruction preferred
If you have no vet or mentor to instruct you should really consider using a glove's finger or a small puppy bottle for bottle feeding. Check the resource box below for video link.
When feeding either by bottle or by using a latex glove finger, weigh the puppy before and after. Make sure not to overfill. Get help so that you can feed every hour or two. Syringes are available at most feed stores and pet stores. An eyedropper if you are desperate would also work.

Our veterinarian recommended that we tube fee our failing puppy. It was very scary and our puppy never did thrive. A puppy whose mom is refusing to nurse or that is a failure to thrive puppy should always be seen by vet. Our vet not only instructed us but allowed us to practice and provided the tubes at no extra charge.

Esbilac is the most popular milk replacement formula. You can buy it at Wal-Mart and pet stores. If you are unable to locate it, there are recipes on the internet for emergency milk replacement.

To Tube feed, make sure you have instruction from vet or mentor and watch the video linked here. Print out these instructions and keep them handy.

1) Lay puppy flat out on towel. Having two people is easier. Take the tube and measure it: using rounded tip place it behind the last rib of the puppy then stretch along chest and nose to just in front of puppy's muzzle. Mark it with pen for measuring.

Measure 2x to be sure: too long, and you can puncture something, and too short the puppy will choke and suffocate on fluids. THIS IS IMPORTANT, as tummies are very small and should not be overfilled. Mark the tube at the spot where it hits the rib. Make sure milk formula is barely warm about 100 degrees.

2) Attach the syringe to the catheter (tube). Put the catheter into the formula and withdraw the syringe from the plunger. Fill the syringe just a trifle above the amount recommended by vet.

3) Keep the catheter tip pointed down as you do not want air to come in. Get a feel for how fast or slow the drip is by slightly pressing on plunger. It may be easier to now do this with the puppy lying on a towel on your lap. The pups head is elevated slightly. Using one hand you can stroke the edges of the mouth (with thumbs and fingers) and hopefully the pups mouth will open.

5) Gently insert tube in mouth down the throat DO NOT ANGLE. You will stop for a split second as you pass the back part of the palate. If there is resistance - stop - Never force it. Force makes it go down windpipe instead of stomach. Try again if you have to and gently apply just a bit of pressure to the tube and the pup will swallow it pretty much and allow you to slide the tube down to tummy. Now, SLOWLY depress plunger and feed pup slowly. You don't want pups belly to swell nor to remain flat.

Feed 1/2 formula then withdraws tube and burp. Watch puppy carefully to make sure all is going well. Use a cloth to wipe him and stimulate his reflexes.
• Milk replacement from Dr. Foster
• how to tube feed video
Photo/Video Credit